an online literary magazine for extra pungent poetry and prose

Audrey T. Carroll

Beautiful Despite

A hybrid poem with text and images including smeared lipstick, taped flowers, and the outline of a body. The hybrid text uses social media comments to comment on ableism and biphobia.

Audrey T. Carroll is the author of What Blooms in the Dark (ELJ Editions, 2024), Parts of Speech: A Disabled Dictionary (Alien Buddha Press, 2023), and In My Next Queer Life, I Want to Be (kith books, 2023). Her writing has appeared in Lost Balloon, CRAFT, JMWW, Bending Genres, and others. She is a bi/queer/genderqueer and disabled/chronically ill writer. She serves as a Fiction Editor for Chaotic Merge Magazine. She can be found at and @AudreyTCarroll on Twitter/Instagram.